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A Masterpiece in Stone – Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, SP1 2EJ
Date and Time
24 June 2022
9:45am - 4:30pm

Tour & Study Day

Set against a backdrop of the beautiful Wiltshire countryside, we begin a relaxing day just a few miles up the road from Stonehenge at Old Sarum – one of the most enthralling and historically important sites in southern England and the original site of Salisbury. Led by Dr Emma J. Wells, we wander the former royal castle and the remains of the original 11th-century cathedral within the colossal Iron Age fortification. We’ll then move on to the “new” cathedral and enjoy a relaxing day marvelling at the stunning Gothic edifice, exploring the past and the present of this living church.

Dr Emma J. Wells, academic, author and broadcaster, is a specialist in the ecclesiastical and architectural history of medieval and reformation-era England, and the author of an array of publications.

Study Day organised by Andante Travels.

Disclaimer: All information was correct when the listing was prepared. Any questions about the event should be directed to the event organiser.