Explore the magical world of a Tudor Christmas this festive season with curator, Hannah Matthews, as she takes you a journey through Christmases past, discovering how the men of the Mary Rose would have celebrated the yuletide season.
- Did the Tudors have Christmas Trees?
- Who was the Lord of Misrule?
- What is wassailing?
- And who ate roast boars head decorated in gold leaf?
Find out what Henry VIII would have had on his Christmas list, and learn about the magical and often very merry traditions from the 16th century that still exist today.
This specialist talk will include a glass of mulled wine and will be followed by a behind-the-scenes tour of the museum.
Tickets are limited – book now to secure your place!
Event organiser is The Mary Rose.
Disclaimer: All information was correct when the listing was prepared. Any questions about the event should be directed to the event organiser.