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May Day Living House

Harvington Hall Ln, Harvington, Kidderminster DY10 4LR
Date and Time
5 - 6 May 2024

Join the May Day celebrations with the Harvington Hall characters of the Elizabethan period, as they bring the Hall to life.We are combining our usual May Day with our very popular Living House event! Meet the characters of Harvington's Tudor past, from the cooks in the kitchen to the man of the house, Humphrey Pakington esquire.

Come and have a go at dancing around the maypole, and speak with the characters around the Hall. Humphrey Pakington is inviting you to his hiring fair where he will try and recruit new workers for his household, but don't expect this to run as smoothly as it should. Everyone will be trying to stand out from the rest, so expect some foul play amongst the musicians, cooks and the maids as they try and attract the attention of their potential employer. In between the dancing and hiring fair you are welcome to walk around the Hall and discover its many secrets, tour guides will be on hand to answer any questions.

Important information

  • Ticket price includes entrance to Hall and Garden
  • Guided tours won't be running this day
  • May Pole dancing will be weather dependant
  • Tickets are non-refundable or transferable

Event organiser is Harvington Hall.

Disclaimer: All information was correct when the listing was prepared. Any questions about the event should be directed to the event organiser.

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