Three issues of Tudor Places magazine jam-packed with articles on palaces, castles, cathedrals, manor houses, churches, military forts and more!
Perfect for people who love history and the places where history happened.
December 2023
Articles include
No Time for Sickness: Henry VIII's astronomical clock
The Battle of Bosworth: Birthplace of the Tudor Dynasty
Hatfield Old Palace: A Palace Fit for a Future Queen
Christ Church, Oxford: Founded by a Cardinal and Re-founded by a King
The Tudors: Made in Brittany?
Churches from the Reign of Mary I: An Era of Stalemate
The Isle of Man: Fiefdom of the Earls of Derby
The Norfolk Tombs: A Family Mausoleum at Framlingham
Interviews with historians, curators, archaeologists and house owners, and itineraries for weekends away exploring Tudor places
Plus news, book listings and more........
Perfect for people who love history and the places where history happened.